This Book of Slides is a comprehensive “atlas” of the vast terrain covered by Dr. David R. Hawkins in his public lectures, 2002-2011. It contains the compendium of his lecture slides, along with a summary of his teaching at each lecture. Far from being a dry read, this book is filled with real life examples, humorous anecdotes, and personal experiences of “Doc” never before found in written form.
Widely appreciated for his unusual capacity to illumine the Real in everyday terms, Dr. Hawkins lectured on such vital topics as The Nature of God, Nonduality, Self-Realization, Spirituality in the Modern World, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Teachers, The Way of Devotion, Qualities of the Spiritual Seeker, Love, Success, and Happiness.
Product Details:
8.5 x 11 Large Softcover – $44.95 – 655 pages
Publisher: Veritas Publishing
ISBN-13: 9781938033988
Also suggested: Map of Consciousness or a selection from one of Dr. Hawkins’ books for further explanation of the levels of consciousness.